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Sindh Nooriabad Power Company (Pvt) Limited


Fully cognisant of the energy shortage in the province, Government of Sindh (GoS), has taken an innovative initiative by developing energy projects in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode. In this model Private Sector is invited to become a partner with the Public Sector, and is tasked with the development, setting up, day to day running and operational maintenance of the project. Nooriabad Power Project is the first power project in the PPP Mode, where Government of Sindh is a 49 % shareholder, while Technomen Kinetics (Pvt) Ltd, a private investor, selected through an open bidding process, holds 51 % shares. The plant achieved COD in January 2018, and is, Alhamdolillah, dispatching designed power to the Power Purchaser. Nooriabad Power Project is a success story, and the stakeholders are, rightfully, contemplating to undertake additional similar projects.